mandag den 3. september 2012

Home Sweet Home

I've been home for about 3 months and there is still some things that is hard for me to remember, like some words I can't remember in Danish and stuff like that... I have recently started college in Denmark and I totally love it, it's so amazing!!! The first week of being back in Denmark was the hardest, there was so many things to remember and things to do.

Later people!!

Jeg har været hjemme i omkring 3 måneder, og der er stadig nogle ting som jeg synes der er svært at huske - ligesom ord jeg ikke kan huske på dansk og ting som det... Jeg er næsten lige startet i gymnasiet i Danmark og jeg elsker det - det er så fedt!!! Den første uge jeg var hjemme i Danmark var den sværeste, der var så mange forskellige ting at huske og ting at gøre.

Snakkes senere!!

tirsdag den 15. maj 2012


I can't believe that this year is almost over, and I'll be graduating on Friday. It's funny how time just flew by and it still feels like I got here maybe a month ago tops and not 9 1/2 months ago. And I talked to my dad about that fact and he told me that it just shows that I chose the right thing for me todo after
I graduated high school in Denmark. And I totally agree with him, even though I didn't think that I could do it - because I thought that I would miss my family a lot more than I actually did.
On Thursday we are having mass ad dinner for the graduates and the parents and/or step parents. Where I'm going to have a speech just to say a little to all of them before I leave and so my that might could have gotten the opportunity to say something to the staff and students at St. Pius X, and there was something he wanted to say and since we can't talk to him over Skype so I'm going to say it for him.
And then on Friday is the actual graduation.

Looking forward to see my friends and family in Denmark when I come back in 15 days!

See ya!!!

onsdag den 9. maj 2012

Senior exams

Yesterday was my last full day of school, it was also my last concert with the choir - and when I walked our to Mr. McCreary to turn in my music folder, he looked at the number and said that I could keep it as a souvenir for when I go back home. And then I asked him: "What about all the music?" And he told me that I could keep that too, I was surprised and happy too - I thanked him and walked down to the cafeteria to look at the Art Fair.
Today and the next to days are senior exam days, and I don't have to take an exam until Friday, where I actually just have to turn it in and then I can go home again (I can write the paper home, print it out, go to school find my teacher (Maz) and turn it in to him, ad I'm done! How awesome is that?!?

Well that's all I can think of right now, and what I thought you might wanted to know!
So I see you in 21 days Denmark, do long ;)

Sofie Larsen

onsdag den 25. april 2012


Hey guys!

Hey, this is the second time in a month that I have updated my blog - that's kinda surprising for me, because I've been getting kinda lazy with it. Soo...

Here's an update on my countdown for when I'll be going home, so I got 34 days left until they day I'll be sitting on a plane on my way back to Denmark - it's kind of hard to believe that I've been here for 8.5 months already. And my dad told me when I talked to him last weekend that it just shows that I chose the right thing to do after high school in Denmark, and that it altogether have been a really good experience for me, and I'm so happy that I got to spend it with all of you - I really appreciate it.

The weather here in Missouri is weird right know, it was cold for a couple of day and now it's a little bit hot, and it's said that the cold weather is coming back the next couple of days. I can't say that I'm complaining, its just that early this year (around the middle of March) it seemed like we would go strait from winter, short period of spring and then strait into summer - but apparently not...

So that's pretty much everything I can come up with right now.

See you guys later! Have fun!

torsdag den 19. april 2012



I finally got the date for when I have to leave and go back to Denmark. I'm leaving on May 30th and I will be in DK early May 31st. My family told me that they are going to pick me up, so I almost can't wait to see them again - after 10 months (even though I have only been here for 8 1/2 months). So now I started counting down, and as it is now I have 41/42 days left (depending on how you count). 

I don't really have anything else to say at the moment, so...

See ya later!

lørdag den 17. marts 2012

Weather is crazy!

Hey guys!

I've been kind of lazy lately, thinking about how often I have been writing on here. So I'm sorry if you expected to hear from me more often, but there have been other things that needed my attention first. And even I wish that I had been writing a blog-update more often than I actually did. 

The last couple of days we had about 80 degrees F, and today we had up to 85 degrees F (it's around 30 degrees C) - the sun was shining and there was not a cloud on the sky, it was such a beautiful day! 

Lately we've been having fish almost every night, because of Lent - and I'm kind of getting tired of it even though it's made differently every time. I'm not saying I don't like it, just that I feel like a need a change soon (if my parents read this, please don't make fish the first 1-2 weeks - I still love even if you would make it)

That's all I got for you now!! Have a good time, until we meet again ;)

XOXO, Sofie

søndag den 29. januar 2012

A little update

Hey there!
I was chatting with my dad earlier today and I told him that I think we should go back to Missouri together and visit my school St. Pius X High School, because there's a lot of teachers asking about him (my dad). And my dad was like: "That would be AWESOME!!!" - So I really hope that we are going to visit my family and friends in Missouri at some point...

I'm doing fantastic and I totally love it over here. And I apoligize for not updating my blog as often as some of you would like, but there is so much going on in my life right now that it is hard to find some time to sit down and write for about 10-15 minutes.

I almost just got home from Washington D.C. with the senior class at my school. We were at the March for Life, in other words we were saving babies. Meaning that we were walking because we are against abortion. It was an increddible experience, there were so many people, that you would have to hang on to your partner so you didn't end up getting lost. Before we arrived at Washington D.C. we spend a day in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, where we got a guided tour of Gettysburg Battlefield - that's was amazing. I mean everything about that Pro Life Trip was amazing, so I could probably go on and on about what I liked the best. I think everthing was the best, and don't ever ask be about what my favorite thing was because everything is a favorite in its own special way.

That's all I got for now folks!

Love Sofie.

lørdag den 7. januar 2012

Half way through!

Hi folks!!

We're officially half way through our program!! Can you believe that?!?

I'm totally in love with my school, my friends and my family! It's amazing how fast the time goes by. There are two Chinese kids at my school who came last year and they stay until next year when they graduate... I don't think I could be away from my family for three whole years, I admire them for it! To say how much I love this time of my life: IT'S AMAZINGLY AWESOME!!! I love it SO much! 

Don't have so much else to say!!

This is me, waiting for my ride, after school!
It was about 68 degrees Fahrenheit on January 6th, 2012!

XOX, Sofie.